Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation

Open Call: Deadline Extended! Apply by February 15th.

Click here for more information.

PS #1: Spotlight on Philadelphia

What portion of the dance ecosystem in Philadelphia would you like to shine a light on?  Name it here, and tell us why.

Lisa Kraus
How about the 'Batizado' at the Capoeira Arts Center when great Mestres (like super black belts) come from Brazil to 'test' the capoeiristas? It's like a party full of the most sneaky, bouncy, seemingly impossible movement.
Lewis WhittingtonLisa, really impressive and these writers are going to be wonderful voices in our field. Your orchestration will be invaluable. Salut to you & the writers

.Lisa Kraus · Performing Arts Coordinator at Bryn Mawr CollegeThanks, Lew. Hope you'll weigh in with your own opinions.We need your voice too!

Marcia Shapiro · Lafayette Senior Highwonderful to see what's happening in Philly. so proud of all you are doing
November 6 at 5:27

October 28, 2011