Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation


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Editor’s Note: Changing Course

by Lisa Kraus

The Philadelphia dance season goes great guns until June and slows in summertime. thINKingDANCE has been at countless dance events, reporting back. With the coming lull we’re moving in a different direction.
In the summer months, look for pieces in three new categories. “From the Studio” pieces will reflect on the process of making and performing dances. Megan Bridge’s Experimentation and Process is the first in that series.For book reviews,  our writers will choose a new release or older favorite they’d like you to know about. And  “grab bag”  gives our writers an open ticket to write about anything they choose. Lynn Matluck Brooks' report on Noguchi at the PMA falls in that category. What’s to come will surprise us all.
New approaches to reviewing are also surfacing. Debbie Shapiro and Kirsten Kaschock conducted a conversation in print about us. It's  so full of interesting insights, we really look forward to more writers-in-dialogue pieces. My piece about Jumpstart attempts to bridge the forms of review and “think piece.” Carolyn Merritt's beautfiul take on the 2nd Philadelphia Tango Festival is part personal memoir/part historical text/part review. Anna Drozdowski has been practicing crowd-sourced journalism, something we are moving into further with upcoming pieces on the Society of Dance History Scholars conference and more. And, fingers crossed, this summer we’ll  get to try our hands at more media.
So yes, we are changing course, for more experimental and varied dance coverage. Tell your friends. Let us know what you think. thINKingDANCE is on the move!

By Lisa Kraus
June 15, 2012

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