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Season Preview? Let's Crowdsource It!

Want your work included in a fall season preview? Interested in reading a from-the-trenches account of what's coming this season? For the media, that cusp of summer where we are beginning to gear up for  fall performances is preview-writing time. Instead of  taking the usual approach of picking highlights, thINKingDANCE is conducting an experiment: You, collectively, preview the fall season.  Here’s how it works:
Write to editor@thinkingdance.net to get access to the shared google doc where you can upload your 60 words (that’s about the size of the above paragraph) about a show or project you are involved with and want readers to know about. Here’s the REAL challenge: Let’s leave marketing speak behind and write as though for our friends, sharing what fascinates us, why we care about this work, and what we think viewers will experience. Include a link for more info. Insert your text wherever you think it belongs in the doc.
The editors of thINKingDANCE will create sections based on the text that arrives, re-order and create segues, and clean up language where there are grammar and punctuation issues. We reserve the right to remove any potentially offensive material. Otherwise, it will be an experiment with the voice of the community giving a window in to what we can look forward to seeing. Estimated publish date: August 25.
Let’s include anything from September 1 until December 31. Happy previewing!

August 3, 2012

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