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TD Writers Win Awards

The Dance Critics Association (DCA) has selected thINKngDANCE Writer Annie Wilson to receive the 2013 Gary Parks Memorial Scholarship, providing her with complimentary registration and a stipend for travel to Vancouver for the 2013 DCA Conference.  Her notification letter states: “Among the many qualified submissions we received from emerging and experienced writers, your application stood out as most impressive, and we feel that you are deserving of this award.”
In her application letter, Annie wrote “The information I gather I intend to bring back to the community of writers at thINKing Dance- 21 writers in total! So the knowledge gained by one person can have exponential effects in the Philadelphia community, which may make my selection for the scholarship the most cost-effective.” Good logic. We look forward to learning all about it. Her submitted work samples were four of the pieces she’s written for TD. Congratulations, Annie!

This year’s TD Intern, Kristen Gillette, who just graduated from Temple University with a BA in Journalism, submitted her TD pieces and was awarded the Sam Singer Reviewing Award, given to an outstanding student for critical reviewing. Sam Singer was a 1934 graduate of Temple and a reviewer for the Philadelphia Inquirer. The prize includes a cash honorarium. Bravo, Kristen!

May 15, 2013

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