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Write Back atcha! tD partners with FringeArts in this years' Festival


thINKingDANCE will host three FREE post-performance “write-back” events after performances during the FringeArts festival this September. Write Back atcha is a post-show “talk-back” combined with a mini-writing workshop, where we will guide audience members through an exploration of the language they use to describe dance. Write Back atcha provides an opportunity for audiences to deepen their engagement with the work on view as well as hone their writing skills with mentored feedback. Questionnaires with simple prompts will be provided to all audience members before the show. Participating audience members’ responses will be collected after the workshop and collated into a crowd-sourced “review” of the performance, which will be published the next day on thINKingDANCE’s website.


The event dates and locations are as follows:


September 9th, Still Standing You by Pieter Ampe & Guilherme Garrido I CAMPO, 7pm at The Painted Bride with workshop leaders Kirsten Kaschock (tD's editor-in-chief) and Megan Bridge (td's executive director). 
Tickets here.

RSVP on Facebook here.

September 11th, The Border by Jo Stromgren, 9pm at FringeArts with workshop leaders Kirsten Kaschock (tD's editor-in-chief) and Carolyn Merrit (anthropologist and tD writer & editor).tickets here. RSVP on Facebook here.

19th, Soul Project by David Zambrano, 8pm at Christ Church Neighborhood House with workshop leaders Kirsten Kaschock (tD’s editor-in-chief) and Matt Kalasky (special guest from The St. Claire). Tickets hereRSVP on Facebook here.



By Megan Bridge
August 27, 2015

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