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A New Partnership: thINKingDANCE and See Chicago Dance

by Lynn Matluck Brooks

We are delighted this month (October) to initiate an exchange between thINKingDANCE and See Chicago Dance  (SCD), an exchange that will allow dancers and dance-readers in Philadelphia and Chicago to catch a glimpse of the dance doings in one another's cities. We anticipate that these exchanges will occur six times a year (every other month), when the editors-in-chief of each site select articles that can be linked from the other's site and/or from e-blasts. This means that thINKingDANCE readers will have a chance to click links to the website for See Chicago Dance to read featured articles. And, of course, Chicago readers will be able to do the same to access featured articles on the thINKingDANCE site. Once you're on one site or the other, explore! Each site has distinct objectives, approaches and focuses, all widening our views of the breadth of dance in our cities, our world.

Take a look at these stories, recommended by   SCD's Lauren Warnecke, Senior Writer and Editor:  

"SCD's Moving Dialogs presents 'Danseur,' an evening of community, solidarity and discussion" and  "'Lifted' at the MCA invites all to the 'universal groove of joy'"   to start your exploration of Chicago's rich dance  scene.

We hope this modest start at intercity exchange will become a project we can develop further with our Chicago dance friends, and even expand to other cities. Let us know your thoughts on this new tD/SCD development!


By Lynn Matluck Brooks
October 1, 2019

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