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Call for Submissions: Confinement Dance Photo Essay Series
Photo: Marie Brown

Call for Submissions: Confinement Dance Photo Essay Series

by Carolyn Merritt

We invite dancers and movement artists to submit photos and accompanying brief text to a thINKingDANCE series in our coverage of artists' responses to COVID-19.
If necessity is the mother of invention, what is confinement doing for dance? We at thINKingDANCE want to celebrate the dance community's ingenuity by creating a photo catalogue of some myriad ways dancers are responding to our current stay-at-home orders through movement. Marie Brown's "Box Dance" (above), although created in late 2019, captures something of our current confinement, as well as dance's power to adapt and respond artfully to the larger world.
We'd love to see how YOU are dancing in confinement too.
To submit, please send a high resolution image along with your name, date (of image), a title, and a brief blurb (max 80 words) to confined@thinkingdance.net. tD will notify submitters of acceptance, and we will make any necessary changes to text according to our editorial guidelines. Selected submissions will appear in one of a series of articles, to be published bi-weekly, beginning April 30 and continuing through June.

By Carolyn Merritt
April 17, 2020

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