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Announcing Decolonizing Dance Writing: International Exchanges

by Mira Treatman

thINKingDANCE is honored and overjoyed to announce Decolonizing Dance Writing: International Exchanges, a continuation of a project initiated and led by Gregory King. Building on Decolonizing Dance Writing: Who Is The Writing For?, Body Stories and the Bedrock of Dreams, and The Necessity of Evolution!, published in partnership with the 92nd Street Y, International Exchanges expands on this foundation.

Throughout 2021, tD will host ten virtual, video-based events that open up dialogue and action around decolonizing dance practices and discourse. These events will be available to the public free of charge. Curated by Gregory King, non-western dance and movement artists will share their practices over Zoom. Five writers of color on tD’s roster will respond with publishing in response to each of the ten events. Each writer will also be supported by two editors of color from tD’s editing roster. The cohort of writers and editors will privately convene outside of the public events to exchange ideas that can further the Decolonizing Dance Writing project at thINKingDANCE long term.

Too often organizations offer symbolic gestures followed by inaction. This is one way thINKing DANCE is holding itself and the writers accountable as it pertains to decentering whiteness. This is by no means a solution, but it’s one way of being intentional in our efforts. This international exchange will not only introduce current tD readers to a wide range of non-western dance forms, but it will also allow readers across the globe to critically engage with writings supporting decolonization” - Gregory King

Dance practitioners, educators, students, researchers, and enthusiasts interested in creating permanent cultural and institutional change through experiencing, learning, and discoursing about non-western dance practices are warmly invited to view each of the Zoom events! All of the events will be archived permanently on thINKingDANCE.net and our new Youtube channel. Click here to join our mailing list to be notified of new episodes and virtual event announcements.

Decolonizing Dance Writing: International Exchanges is supported by Critical Minded, an initiative to invest in cultural critics of color cofounded by The Nathan Cummings Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

December 23, 2020

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