Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation


An Annual Nut to Crack

When my son was seven or eight years old, he sweetly invited me on a “date.” His invitation was for the Nutcracker.
December 21, 2011
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Lots of Glitter, Few Stars

In this season of Nutcrackers, feuding Republicans, and holiday kitsch, the Annenberg’s Dance Celebration Series brought us “Champions of the Dance.”
December 21, 2011
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Wendy Perron Weekend: the Review Revue

Last weekend the writers of thINKingDANCE were privileged to workshop with Wendy Perron, editor-in-chief of Dance Magazine.
December 21, 2011
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Reflections on Page and Stage: A Conversation with Wendy Perron

“Our responsibility is to support the field,” Wendy Perron declared to a small crowd of dance writers and community members.
December 20, 2011
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Partial Glossary: Material Construction at the Kelly Writer’s House

Five local dance artists hosted an "artist-process talk." This experimental response reflects the evening's thought-provoking spirit.
December 19, 2011
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Cooking, Cake and Conversation at the LAB

The Live Arts Brewery (LAB) hosts an open showing each month to allow performing artists to receive immediate feedback.
December 14, 2011
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Chouinard #2: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Chouinard’s dancers threw themselves into the choreography and whipped through each phrase like demonic beasts. It’s just too bad Chouinard didn’t mix it up a bit.
December 14, 2011
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Chouinard #3: Marie Chouinard's Creatures

Wearing black bathing suits and hair-dos that brought to mind tentacles or caterpillars, Chouinard’s ten dancers gasped, writhed, spoked, stamped, and slithered through the company’s impassioned performance.
December 14, 2011
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