Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation

Open Call: Deadline Extended! Apply by February 15th.

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Kilian Kröll

Kilian Kröll (@3rdCultureCoach), Certified Executive Coach, dancer and published writer, is the President of Third Culture Coach, a company that helps executives and creative professionals thrive authentically where cultural and vocational worlds intersect. Kilian has spent the past decade strategizing with entrepreneurs in the creative sector. With production wizard Anna Drozdowski, he secured major funding in 2007 to provide shared administrative resources for small dance companies. In 2008, Kilian was named Caldera Dance Artist in Residence in Sisters, Oregon. As a dancer, he recently performed in Carmen with the Opera Company of Philadelphia.

Kilian grew up in Germany, Austria and the United States, the bilingual son of a German classical composer and an American-born opera singer. Kilian earned a B.A. with honors in English from Haverford College, an M.A. with distinction in Cultural Studies from the University of East London, and an ICF-compliant Professional Coach Certification from iPEC Coaching. Kilian also serves  on the  Board of Directors of Washington-based organization, Families In Global Transition (FIGT).