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A Rare Collision

A Rare Collision

by Julius Ferraro

I am grateful to the Village Voice and artist Lauren R. Weinstein for allowing me to reprint her grim satire The Rockettes Start the Revolution!

Ten days ago, the iconic New York dance troupe joined the lineup at the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Phoebe Pearl (“a new dance hero” claims Wendy Perron in an article at Dance Magazine) is reportedly not the only Rockette who refused to perform. She is, however, the only one who has spoken out openly (others have spoken anonymously) against our inflammatory new commander-in-chief. She has also resigned over the issue.

It is unusual for a Rockette to air her personal views, and some have condemned or ridiculed her for it. This is certainly “a rare collision of presidential politics and a venerable arts organization,” as Katie Rogers and Gia Kourlas put it in their New York Times writeup, which I suggest reading for further context.

Normel Person, by Lauren R. Weinstein, is reprinted here with the kind permission of the Village Voice and Lauren R. Weinstein. You can follow her work at the Village Voice here.

By Julius Ferraro
January 30, 2017

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