Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation


Running Rhythms

As their Fa’ataupati, or Samoan slap dance, progressed, I began to see the richness of Black Grace’s cultural identities emerge.
February 23, 2015
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Magda & Chelsea Interview

Elena Light interviews Magda & Chelsea simultaneously but separately over at Culturebot. Their "Vulgar Early Works" is coming to FringeArts.
February 17, 2015
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Turbulent Times in Motion

The symposium “Russian Movement Culture of the 1920s and 1930s” revealed a period of extraordinary vibrancy and anxiety in Russia and among its émigré populations.
February 15, 2015
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Arcell’s Truth Based in Evidence

Cabuag relishes in the fact that his heritage, his beliefs, his insecurities, his struggles, and his triumphs are all expressed through movement.
February 14, 2015
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Danced Duets, Costumes and Caravaggio–a conversation with Judith Stein

Lisa Kraus sits down with "recovering curator” Judith Stein to discuss "An Evening of Duets."
February 11, 2015
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The New and the Notable at PAB

These dancers seemed completely comfortable with, and yet engrossed in, their roles; I wanted to... figure out their relationships, to try to guess their next moves.
February 10, 2015
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Owning Hip Hop: The Politics of Citizenship

McCarren laid the foundation for discussions about urban dance practices from both American and European perspectives.
February 7, 2015
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Dance’s Shimmering Call

Erin Manning invokes dance, choreography, philosophy, film, and even autism to advocate for a richer relationship to the world around us.
February 5, 2015
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