Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation


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Meet the Writers: Jonathan Stein

What are you most excited to cover through TD?
Performance that is provocative, ironic, humorous, sensual, physically challenging, and smart.

Which part is challenging, scary, difficult?

Addressing dance that I am less familiar with, and beyond my past viewing experience. Returning to edit my own writing.

How did you learn to type?

Never learned, beyond the forefinger-each-hand method, nearly flunked typing in jr. high school, but I'm fast.

What is the TD project really about, in your experience?

Bringing more artist voices into the discourse, and filling a void with lots of energized dance writing.

Good dance...
wants me to come back the next night, and urge friends to come out too.

Good writing...

is all around us for the curious.

What is your "desert-island" publication?

My music collection in an island-pod.

If you never see another _________again, it will be too soon.
Presidential debate

What would your parents say about your work in the arts?

Wonderful, but are you still a Legal Services (legal aid) lawyer?

If you were to write a dance love-letter, it would be to:
Steve Krieckhaus, and ask when he is coming back.

By Jonathan Stein
August 22, 2012

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